28th March 2019. Euphoric after the Raindeer and the Amazng beauty of the Northern Lights we travel from Rovaniemi by Train to Helsinki, Finland
/We had an alarm set for 4.15am and hotel wake up for 5.00am. We had to have luggage outside our room for 5.30 am with hotel departure at 5.40am. Our big yellow bus took us 10 minutes to the station, where we boarded the double-decker intercity train scheduled to depart at 6.03am.
Breakfast boxes were provided and were quite enjoyable. There remains feet of snow everywhere.
We are still all excited from the performance of the Northern Lights, quite bright but Ken’s phone wouldn’t pick up. But will get photos from other members of our tour.
We are in carriage 5 , seats 13 and 14. Very comfortable second class. We are in the lower level of the double decker train.
It is a little warmer at the Station with -2C degrees
We arrive in Helsinki mid afternoon, then have a group tour of the city, check into hotel above the station.
Tomorrow we catch ferry to Tallin Estonia for a full day excursion, then back for a farewell dinner.
We are almost 3 hours into our train trip to Helsinki, we are sitting beside the additional 4 seats we have purchased to store our additional luggage.
The weather remains -1C.
We are passing through many centres where there are timber trains.
As well we notice the many apartment buildings in each of the towns.
Passing through Oulo Station.
We have progressed South through inland area of Finland arriving Tampere / Tammefores at 1.00pm and it is the first sign that the snow is diminished and we see the occasional lake beginning to thaw.
It has been a long slow trip with the train stopping at many stations, but the carriage has remained full throughout most of the trip.
We now have 90 minutes remaining. We will all be pleased to arrive in Helsinki after a very early rise.
Our arrival in Helsinki is smooth, we are met by a local guide and we depart for a 2 hour tour of the city of Helsinki, pass the Rock Church, visit the architectural art piece, visit the park, and travel by the marina and port area, but we are all very tired.
The Holiday Inn in Helsinki is beside the Helsinki Railway Station and is an ideal location. We check in to the Hotel, room 208, then 5 of us walk to a restaurant, named Leonardo and serving quality Italian food. The group enjoys a great meal, with quality food and wine. Eileen,Jan and Colin and Jeanette and Ken. Back to the Travelodge by 10.00pm, because we have a very early start, needing to be at the Ferry for our trip to Tallin, Estonia before 6.30am.