Music of The Night Concert at Twin towns Resort.

We had slept comfortably in our “SkyHome” penthouse here at the Langham and awake to a spectacular morning with radiant beams of sunshine.

Many people are walking along Thje SurfersParadise Beach and there are large swells and waves. The Beach is simply beautiful. Ken goes for a walk and we then decide to visit Pacific Fair Shopping Centre before driving to Twin Towns for a Concert Show named “The Music of The Night” , a celebration of Musicals starring Joey Fimmano, Jessica Di Bartolommeo, A wonderful Australian and world renowned Soprano and Musical star and then Dexter Villahermosa a stunning Tenor.

Joey Fimmano is an aged musical star from Young Talent Time time and he is a a top liner from the ages.

We are entertained for almost 2 hours and have a thoroughly exhilarating time with all of the key musical from the brilliance of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber.. We are treated to a splendid tribute featuring selections from the West End Musicals of Les Miserable, Miss Saigon, Carousel, The Sound of Music , Jersey Boy, Boy from Oz, and a celebration of just great musical theatre.

The highlight is the outstanding duet from Phantom of the Opera, with Jessica and Dexter presenting their stunning presentation.

We had a wonderful afternoon and then travelled back to our unit and we decided to eat in with Chicken , Salad and ice-creams and drinks and watch some AFL.

It has been an outstanding day.