Visit to Angkor Wat Temples , Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Visit to Angkor Wat Temples Siem Reap , Cambodia.
We awoke to a near perfect mornin g of clear blue skies and the forecast of clear morning weather with temperatures in the mid 30’s (33 degrees Celsius) plus humidity of 80 % and then for rainfall late afternoon.
Our bus took us the 25 minute journey to the Angkor Wat Temples parking area, where we were transferred to smaller mini buses and then bussed into the actual visitation area.
We had the benefit of an experienced local guide and he with Lee, they provided an invaluable commentary of the history of the temples constructed in approximately 1200- 1240 AD. We had been warned of the need to keep up our water intake and drink at least 2 litres per hour over the 3-4 hours that we would be walking and climbing the many stairs.
Jeanette and I determined early on that we were unable to climb the stairs beyond the vfirst two levels. The first two levels led us to climb over uneven stairs numbering 20 and then 25 before you came to the hardest and most challenging final 70 plus stairs to the final level.
We died well and enjoyed both the challenge and the climbing. However, despite her efforts Jeanette was unable to proceed.
Our guide understood and we awaited the majority of some 19 people who climbed higher.
Seven of us waited near the baths and pool areas on level 2.
The photos reflect our ability to climb and we are pleased to have been able to participate in this highlight of the whole trip.
Simply another wonderful UNESCO World Heritage experience.
Never to be forgotten!!