It is Sunday morning following a wet Saturday where we were locked inside for the day. The Melbourne Demons won easily after a scrappy match to remain undefeated after 10 days. The Election race has been ruin and won by the Labor Party (the similar party to US Democrats and UK Labor) but with significant changes with increased presence from the Greens and a significant culling of the moderate Liberals ( Republicans and Conservatives) who were branded as Teal independents with a number of outstanding professional high quality women.

It remains unclear as to the final result and whether the Labor Party will govern in majority. A stunning result in many ways and the rise of the independents aqnd the outstanding calibre of these younger professional women.

This morning remains wet, overcast with significant rainfall and a damp and soggy environment.

We plan to remain inside, unable to walk along the beach, so today is another disappointing day in the last week of our Queensland holiday.

Certainly this isn’t “beautiful one day and perfect the next.” Similarly, the golf courses which I want to play are under water. So unlikely to be able to get out and about. We have provisioned sufficiently to meet our needs for most of the week. We will need to be cautious.

Jeanette and I are well, very fit and fully recovered from our Covid -19 infection and recovery.

This has been a holiday for the time, we have ventured out from our home and Melbourne proximity to travel interstate as a first step prior to our return to extended overseas holidays and cruising.

We have enjoyed our almost 4 weeks away in Queensland. These next 5 days remain a challenge with the weather, but little else apart from enjoying ourselves.