Cam Ranh Bay and Visit to Nha Trang. 4th October 2023.
We slept very well and woke to another perfect morning with temperature of 27 degrees Celsius. Showered and then went to breakfast.
Our plans today involve a light morning with a walk around the property, then change and wait the Bus pick up for the transfer to Nha Trang, the Regional Centre for the afternoon. We had reviewed the various excursions but each was related to some water sport or had flights of stairs and these are all things we no longer enjoy and we struggle to climb stairs.
The weather since we arrived has been near perfect , despite the forecast for day one to involve afternoon heavy showers.
We went down to the Foyer at 11.50am and the bus arrived at 12.05pm. We were loaded within 5 minutes and there were approximately 20 people checking out and moving on to Nha Trang with luggage etc.
The trip involves a bus ride on the major road for some 40 minutes along several kilometres of beach road. We then cross a range of low mountains and hills and transfer into the bay where Nha Trang is located. It is a bustling small regional city. We are dropped off at the GoldCoast Shopping Centre and enjoy and wonder around this up market shopping precinct. In some ways were were surprised it is in many ways similar or comparable to our shopping centre but not as large as a mall.
Ken used an ATM to draw some Vietnam Dong. It worked well.
Jeanette purchases a hat for 265,000 Viet Dong (ie about US$12.) and whilst she isn’t keen it will be useful in the hot afternoons. All of ther locals, without exception wear hats.
We then stop for a coffee / arabica caramel which was delicious. We then walked the 200 metres to sit on the beach foreshore. this involved crossing the 4 lanes using the pedestrian traffic lights. We quickly established that the cars stop at Red Lights, but the scooters and motor bikes often have a separate green light or just drive through. So we foun d ourselves in the middle of the road with scooters and motor bikes skilfully navigating around and through us as we made our way across the road to the beach promenade.
Then we sat on park bench type seats for about 90 minutes and took in the spectacular beach scenery with a slight cool breeze. During this time a local artist spoke to Jeanette and then Ken Joined upon my return from a lengthy walk. The artist had a range of paintings on silk. Jeanette purchased an interesting painting and will frame upon our return home. The price was approx US$28 and seems ok.
Scenery along the Main road Cam Ranh Bay
From here we watched the scooters and motor cycles and the crazy process of crossing the road. So after some 90 minutes we decided to attempt to cross the road!! We succeeded with a sense of relief. We then revisited another shopping centre known as Nha Trang Centre, which is an upmarket shopping boutique centre.
Then we walked back to GoldCoast shopping centre, where we purchased some soft-drinks for use over the coming days.
After another hour we were due to await the arrival of the Return bus. It arrived at 5.15pm and we queued to get on. When we got to the front Jeanette negotiated and we were not on the list of passengers. We thought we had booked the two way transfer from Cam Rahn Bay to Nha Trang. Unfortunately, that was not the case, as needed to book both ways individually. After some haggling were we allowed to board.
The bus was smaller and had seating for some 30 people. The driver departed at 5.35pm with 10 passengers for the 40 minute trip. The passage along the main road passed through many areas with Neon signs and amazing lighting. We arrived back at our hotel at 6.15pm
Unfortunately , upon our return Ken experienced severe stomach pains and suffered gastro through the early hours.
The dinner was with a Japanese influence. With sushi and other Japanese items, but the main course was the usual traditional Vietnamese items which we enjoyed. Ken remained a little ill and had a light meal.
The trip to Nha Trang was enjoyable even though we only visited the central shopping and administrative centre. We thoroughly enjoyed our time visiting the beautiful beach, although we noticed the warning signs re rips.
Interestingly, we noticed a significant change in the dress of people from our prior visits to Vietnam. The people are wearing modern and smart clothing, there has been a significant change in processes and in the buildings. In some respects this is another area with multiple high rise buildings along the main road facing the beaches.
As throughout Asia there are many buildings with Condos. Not sure what is the main business activity, there are many agricultural areas and service type offices and facilities.
We have now seen and used 2 shopping centres and found supermarkets under the Lotte Brand very similar to ours at home.
A side issue is that prices are now no longer significantly cheaper than those in Australia. Many items are similar.
After dinner we spend time reading and eventually retire at 9.45pm after an enjoyable day.
Main Street outside the Gold coast Shopping Centre.