Visit to Phnom Penh - A Vibrant Capital of Cambodia.
We spent several days visiting the key palaces, shrines and temples as well as the scene of some of the worst atrocities during the Khmer Rouge reign.
Yet we come away somewhat surprised at the strong Chinese influence in many areas including roads and infrastructure, technology and fianancial services.
The photos cover a variety of issues and locations.
We loved the rickshaw rides to the Palace and then through the City Centre.
After lunch we were bussed to the central site of the infamous Cheung EK GenocidalCentre where there were thousands of deaths of prisoners held during the Khmer Rouge reign. The cells still have an Erie feel, yet the Cambodian nation wants to reflect and openly process the behaviour of the Khmer Rouge and hopefully prevent any other tragedies of similar bent.
The killing fields visit was difficult, it was similar on our earlier visit some 12 years ago.
The visit to thew monument at the Killing fields was a difficult and emotional time for our guides and many of our colleagues on the tour. The sheer historical insight into the devastating torture and deaths of over 2 million Cambodians remains a sorry tale to many.
The subsequent visit almost an hour and a half later to the Genocide Museum and its rooms and demonstrations was also particularly gruesome. To see so many photos of victims who were murdered after extreme torture and mis treatment.
We all had a tear through these visits but were particulalrly grateful for the inspiring and caring presentation by our guides.
Not aqn easy day but very important.