Peter was waiting at the Naked Tree Cafe / Restaurant in Yarrawonga and we proceeded to talk from 12.00pm until our departure at 2.15pm as the proprietors were cleaning up and close the restaurant at that ice.

Peter continues to experience Health issues with his heart providing issues as to varying heart rates and at present his blood pressure is too low. He has previously had treatments including an electric shock to stabilise his hear rate, but is awaiting a further visit to his local GP who has adjusted his regular blood pressure tablets. The immediate outcome is that Peter is exhausted just doing the normal like things. He wants and needs some solid remedy.

The food was excellent and we all had a coffee to conclude. Peter wouldn’t let us pay for lunch .

In simple terms it was most enjoyable to get together and catch up discuss the world. We did talk as to the state of the crops and Peter commented that the farmers have had 3 wonderful years. There is a ribbon of golden brown crops from here right across and north to Boort. The amount of hay is also mind blowing as there is Hay cut and bailed everywhere. Most is shipped to other Regions here in Victoria. He commented that perhaps this is a positive from the dire warnings of global warming.

We departed the busy township of Yarrawonga to make our way out of town and then to drive toward Katamatite to view some of the Silo Art, where the old Grain silos are decorated with outstanding paintings and graphical depictions on the old Grain Silos. Some of these silos are no longer working in storing grain for transport by railway train to Poe=rts for export. But the art work has drawn a multitude of tourists, including us, to take in the scenes painted. Last winter we visited the Silos at Rochester and this visit has allowed us to continue.

Very enjoyable and the photos below depict the quality of the artwork and stories associated with these paintings