Pride of Americ Cruise around trhe Hawaiian Islands 8th July- 15 July 2023.
We arrived at the Honolulu Cruises Terminal and we were excited to be cruising around the Hawaiian Islands on the NCL Pride of America.
We did the same cruise approximately 15 years ago and we are excited to return and trhe ship has only recently undergone a refurbishment..
Our taxi drops us off at 2.30pm and we are then processed through Immigration and Security.
Boarding Norwegian -Pride of America 8th July 2023
All has gone very well and there is Hawaiian music and singing to greet us as we check in and then proceed through the security to the gangway and enter the ship.
At this time there are still several floors where cleaning and refitting is continuing but we are fortunate that the 10th floor is finished and we can go directly to our Suite, which is number 10584 and is exactly as we require some 6 cabins from the central lifts. We are greeted by our room Steward, Edwin, proceed to unpack and then go about exploring the ship. We did this cruise some 10-15 years ago and were in an obstructed view / cabling with an orange lifeboat in front of us.
On this occasion we have a very comfortable stateroom and all is good. There is no laundry other than that which you send out. Jeanette sends several items out for pressing
We then go down to the central lobby area where there is the plaque of the Unitied States as well as the Guerst Services and Excursions area.
Dinner is in the main Dining room at 6.30pm and we enjoy a pleasant meal. Ken as normal I with first night has a New York Strip steak with Idaho Baked potato. We enjoy the meal and it is a very pleasant dining room, service is good. We are back in our stateroom by 8.30pm and the ship is comfortably sailing in smooth seas having departed at 7.30pm. There is no entertainment apart from the Ship’s cruise director and a comedian. Ken does listen to some music in Pink’s the Champagne Bar.
We are in bed ready for sleep at 10.15pm and are absolutely pleased as to the leaving Hilton Hawaiian Village, transfer to the Port of Hawaii and then all that has occurred as far as getting on board after processing through security. Our Cabin is comfortable and everything works.

Jeanette sitting in the Owners lounge awaoiting our departure time from HHV to transfer to Pride of ameica.
So all has gone well, we both sleep very well and are excited to be visiting Maui. We have a tour selected and itv proves to be excellent.
We leave the ship after breakfast at 8.45am and return at 1.45pm.

So the following pictures reflect our travels in Maui. We were transferred from the port in Maui to Lahaina which is the major trouts township. There we walked along thew main strip enjoyed the many historical aspects then had a most enjoyable luncheon.
We then walked back to the area where our bus had dropped us off and took a rest sitting under the largest Banyan tree in the United States. Quite spectacular in both size and spread.
We also watched the youngsters learning to sail and also watched the many guests who went out on the various sailings of the Yellow submarine.
All in all a lovely day in perfect weather on beautiful Maui.
Ken had hoped to get to the Wailea area with the Willages and the new HGVC resort on Maui , but that proved impossible. We were also warned a to the cost late afternoon of the Taxi and Uber drivers as after 2.30pm - 4.00pm when the traffic is extememely heavy the cost to Lahaina can increase from US100 each way to US250 one way. So it was easier to do what did with the Tour company.
So our overnight stay on the beautiful island of Maui can be described as enjoyable and successful.
Dinner tonight in Jefferson’s bistro and we enjoyed a superb meal with good wine. We followed this with a visit to the Theatre where a comedian played and he was okay.
This has been a relaxing and enjoyable couple of days as we now move on to the Big Island.
It is now early August and we provide this addendum to our trip as of 12th August 2023.
US National Disaster Declared after Wildfires have ripped through the Tourist Town of Lahaina, Maui - Hawaii
There have been terrible wildfires on the island of Maui. This has led to the total devastation of the tourist township of Lahaina with over 2300 homes and the entire town being decimated with every store and building in the main street being incinerated and destroyed. Sadly after the recovery effort has been started after the US president declared a national disaster, We can confirm the death of 96 people as announced to date but there remain hundreds still missing and bodies remain unidentified.
It is a disaster that we are struggling to get our heads around having enjoyed the National Beauty of Maui and in particular the township which we visited on our excursion from the ship.

The photos reflect a very good excursion to Volcanoes National Park and the exploration of the Caldera and then the steam vents
So we enjoyed our trip and excursion to the volcano Park in the comfort of a bus. We went to the Candy store, tasted biscuits and Coffee and then made our way to the park.
Last time we were here we could only drive to the volcano information Centre as Kilauea was erupting , but on this occasion we were allowed to travel through the park stop for photos as the crater and the significant Caldera before moving on to the many steam vents.
It was a rewarding trip, very pleased to see the extent of the damages from the eruption some 20 years ago and smaller eruptions since then.
We stopped for afternoon tea and a toilet stop at the Volcano Park information Centre, then made our way back to the ship.

Overnight the Pride of America sailed from Hilo and arrived early morning at Kona, figuratively known as the world Kona Coffee headquarters. It is a spectacular change to beautiful green scenery and bushes and away from the drier desolate countryside and mountains of the Hilo area and the volcanoes.
After an early breakfast we went to the lounge and were called for our excursion to the coffee plantation and then to the painted Church.
We disembark the ship and the immediate issue is the starkly different vecology and environment from the dryness of the areas surrounding the Volacno National Park. Here there is a lush green foliage canopy of all sorts of trees and fruit.
Our trip is also over roads in better condition flanked by rich, fertile grounds and a variety of native trees and various fruit Rees. We cling significantly to visit the Kona Coffee area and we see the coffee trees and various types of coffee trees , before we stop for a sample of Kona coffee and Cake. Jeanette purchases some coffee from Kona with Macademia nut flavours. Tasks fine in the sample.
From here after Re boarding the bus after half and hour, we drive further up to see the historic “Painted Church” which is a Catholic Church under the St Benedict diocese and it is a wonderful story of a Church being painted with a variety of native colours from Berries asnd other fruits. It was re-constructed in the early 20th Century after being transported from closer to the Ocean and to the top of the hill in Kona.
This has been a most enjoyable excursion, we return to the ship at 1.45pm and then have lunch in the buffet.
The following photos reflect our excursion morning.

We also visited a sacred Hawaiian Islander site where leaders and other warriors went to practice their spiritualism and also to escape the tribal fights. It is now a National refuge for Hawaiian leaders and preserves the history.
The following photographs were taken at the Royal Kona Coffee Mill and museum . They are a little out of order but importantly include the story of Kona coffee and its worldwide significance in the manufacture of quality coffee.

The ship cruised overnight arriving at Kauai, where we have another overnight.
Jeanette and Ken decide at breakfast in the Skyline Restaurant to have a relaxing day on board including lunch in thre Cadillac Grill and then dinner at night in the La Cucina Restaurant.
It is a near perfect morning and a timely walk around the ship.
We then sat in the lounge near Guest Services on level 5 and Ken finalised his second book. We do plan to go out on a walk around the shops and the beautiful Marriott Time Share and the hotel and walk along the beach.
After coffee fro morning tea, we read, then drop our gear off in our suite and then go to lunch.
We also enjoyed a superb meal in Cagney’s Steakhouse where we had an appetiser of scallops and then a main course of Fillet Mignon and 2 glasses of a superb Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon and Jeanette enjoyed a Virgin Pinacolada with a Latte to finish the night.
So we have enjoyed several meals in Specialty Restaurants which have added to our enjoyment.
We also enjoyed one evening dining in the Liberty Dining room which was on Level 6 above the Skyline dining room. Enjoyable but the service was a little slow on our one evening in this area.

Ken also took several photos of the Ship including the seal of the USA which is embedded in the foyer / reception area of guest services.
We also took photos of the atrium and the grand stairways.
If we had a criticism it would relate to the entertainment and the lack of any team dancing and singing. The Cabaret artist / singer was okay but we found the comedian who did 2 nights was of averages quality.
Off to bed at about 10.30 pm and we both slept well. this was important as Jeanette has been experiencing pain in her right knee during the nights , which has interrupted her night’s sleep.
We awoke to a beautiful morning and then had breakfast in the Skyline Restaurant and enjoyed.
Then Ken decided to undertake a lengthy walk around the port area and then to the Royal Sonesta Hotel ( previously Marriott)Marriott Vacation Club to take photos. He caught the d\shuttle at 9.45am and returned at 11.55am on the Shuttle which was an excellent service from the port to the local shopping centre.
He purchased a gift of silver Jewellery for Jeanette , which she was pleased to accept , having told Ken no more jewellery.
This was a most enjoyable morning, Ken relaxed with a Latte by the pool at the resort. Then had a leisurely walk through the resort and back to the Shuttle stip.
From here a short 5 minute drive to the ship., then picked up Jeanette and went and enjoyed a Cobb Salad in the Cadillac Diner, before having an ice-cream and then a walk back to the ship.
Dinner on the last evening was again in Jeffersons Bistro and we again had an excellent meal.
Ken had purchased dining speciality Restaurant deals as well as the 2 provided by our Cruise company ( Our Vacation Centre). Each of the specialty restaurants provided a different experience but all food was excellent and we found the staff to be excellent.
The following photos reflect the walk and visit to the Marriott Vacation Club facilities.

The grounds of the hotel were simply fantastic and beautifully maintained.
Here are further photos from Ken sitting enjoying a coffee and talking to people from Southern California and New Mexico.
Later in the afternoon we started to pack our cases, but decided not to finish until after dinner. We showered and changed and then after a drink in the Bar went to dinner at Jeffersons and again enjoyed a superb meal.
Following dinner we went from a walk and then returned to our suite and finalised packing and put our 3 cases outside in they corridor to be collected .
We slept well and morning (7.00am)) came about quickly and on looking out our Verandah we realised that we had returned to the port of Honolulu.
Breakfast in the Skyline Restaurant was finished by by 8.00am and our departure from the ship was timed for 8.50am. As things stood we were likely to be a little late. We were requested to wait in a lounge, but then they quickly processed several colour codes and Red was called at 8.55am and we joined a queue to depart and have our photos verified for the last time.
We were in the large Termianl at 9.00am, collected our luggage from the Red group of bags, then into a taxi and at 9.35am we arrived at Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikikian Tower check in area. We cloaked our luggage and were advised that we would be into our room as early as possible. That happened at 3.20pm.
On reflection we thoroughly enjoyed the 7 day cruise.