Changed Itinerary and Visit to Paamuit, Greenland.
When we departed Nuik we were advised that there were likely to be changes to our itinerary as a consequence of the heavy icefl;oes and the danger these and small icebergs pose to a ship of the size of Sirena.
Consequently we were advised that we would be visiting Paamuit , which is known for its cold, icy and foggy weather. It ois a\s remote as you can every magine. We sailed through the night in windy conditions and foggy situations arose and we could hear the regular sounding of the ships fog horn for several hours. Yet we slept well.
We woke to Icebergs, literally just outside our cabin so we spent quite a toime watching these silent monsters from our balcony. Of course this was the chatter at breakfast and we were ll amazed.
Paamuit is an independent small township, known for itss mysterious foggy weather and the chill of thee wind. It i also guarded by a Nattoralik , a White tailed eagle and there are plentiful numbers to be seen here.
It is also a snow sport lovers dream in winter with especally heavy annual snowfalls. The populaton soars at the time of winter skiing and other snow sports.
In summer or like the time we are visiting the snow has largely receded and hiking becomes the most popular activity.
The township is ringed by mountains which are huge for skiing in winter with trails cut through the dense vegetation. Sailing is an all round actibvity but is especially imporant in summer . Sail around the fjord to old villageswhere cabins stll stand, or head into the nearby Sermilik Fjord to see glaciers that flow directly into the sea from the Greenland Ice Sheet. This is all still stunning and simpy amazing..
Paarmuit attracts the travelers who wish to do the unusual and go off the trails and take in different sight and activities.
The town’s name means “the people who live at the mouth” a reference to its location at them mouth of the Kuannersooq Fjord