Reykjavik Golden Circle Your- A Spectacular Day.
Following yesterday’s dismal weather and continuous drizzle and cold wind, we were pleased to wake to a day with blue skies and diminished clouds. so we hoped that today would improve and that we would experience a great bday. As I write this’d , we could only dream of a spectaular day with warm sunshine, perfectly clear blue skies and magnificent scenery. A day to be remembered.
Our schedule had been amended to commence almost 90 minutes late with our meeting at Bus Stop 12 at the Storm Hotel, and we needed to get a taxi from our hotel to that location.
The short Taxi ride cost A$21 ( converted) and it was no more than 2-3 miles. But we are tourists “and everything here is pricey.”
The bus arrived at 9.20am and we were boarded within the next 5 minutes. we stopped at 3 other pick up points on the way out of Reykjavik and the bus was full. the sky had also cleared a little and our guide who had proven to be strong willed with the allocation of seats now joked that things were on the improve..
The above photos reflect the beautiful National Park and the Lake and this was our final photo stop for the day.
But pease let me put this into context. We drove out of the City and came into the general area where there has been recent flows of lava from major volcanic eruptions and activity. this’d has all now subsided in both measurements and activities, but we do see the many vents releasing steam. Our guide also talks as to the significant changes in the Blue Lagoon area and the impact of the volcanic activity. Whilst all is now open the locals expect further activity and small to medium eruptions and the volcanologists are also predicting further violent volcanic activity as the north American and European tectonic plates activity led to them colliding..
Our first stop is a toilet break and the chance to purchase pastries and coffee . There was also a special demonstration in the floor as to the activity of the plates colliding. this shopping area was destroyed several years ago in a previous eruption
It is still somewhat surreal with the many vents exiting steam. It defines a continuing statement of ongoing activity and pressure from the lava and the heat.
It is stunning and rugged countryside and we climb through what the guide described as a mountain barrier between the valley area near the sea and thev rugged mountains. In thre distance we see spectaular mountains and significant glaciers between the mountains and of course aq never ending supply of water from magnificent lakes.
The first 2 photos reflect the large case which opened up below this shopping Centre where the plates collided and lava and rock flowed for several days. But they accept that they are positioned on a fault line and the volcanic arctivity is infrequent and hopefully they can escape.
We then drive on to see the Kerriod Crater of a significant earlier Volcanic eruption. The lake is a beautiful aquamarine colour. It suggests the force of nature as it blew the top off this hill.
We took several photos and admired the rough historic volcanoes and its massive crater and beautiful lake of aquamarine colour.
Simply beautiful nature.
Following lunch Ken went to the Geyser Park and took photos of the steam vents and also the Geyser blowing. Jeanette went to the gift Store and phots are attached.
The following photos and videos are taken as the smaller or mini geyser all created something to watch.
Ken arrived just as the large Geyser blew and he unfortunately didn’t take a video.

We stood around for about 15 minutes before this Geyser blew just after I stopped the video. It was a spectacular hiss and then an eruption of Steam and water to around 60 feet . all over inside 10 seconds. But worth it.
Similar to what we have seen at Rotarua, New Zealand and Old Faithful in Yellowstone.
We departed the Volcanoes area and visited a horse ranch where the horses were fed some sort of “Horse Candy.”
We were all back on board for one of the highlights.
We drove another 20 minutes along a road and freeway and came to an area where there is a large Waterfall. Gullfoss, the waterfall was stunning. This comes from the snow melt of nearby glaciers and from the remaining ice and snow on the large mountains to the North of here.
It was well presented and again a surprising amount of water which cascades and crashes down into a ravine which has been cut by the Waterfall over hundreds of years. Stunningly beautiful with the rainbow, but also amazing power. The force and strength of Mother Nature remains fascinating and awesome.
The images and the video show the amazing volume of water and the native power of the waterfalll.
We were able to take long distance photos of the Glacier which is hidden behind the mountain range neartest the falls. The scenery is just mouth watering and totally unspoiled by man. It is uplifting and beautiful.
From here we have a final stop after another 30 minute drive through stunning countryside. we also see some local sheep and more horses.
We visit the stunning Pingvollum Natural Reserve and National Park embracing a large lake and stunning beauty.
We circle around the Car park of the Service Centre before stopping and are directed to a lengthy circling walkway passed the Iceland flags and the flags of the centre.
We then come to a raised walkway that looks over the whole Pingvollum National Park of Lakes and walkways constructed to allow you to circle the large lake and to take in the glaciers and Mountain Range. It is a perfect showcase of the most beautiful stunning ng nature reserve on a perfect afternoon, with a cloudless blue sky.

The last highlight was to see the feeding glaciers which have diminished by 10% over the last 10-15 years. Our guide thinks climate Change is real and will have devastating results going forward. This is Natures beauty at its most unbelievable.

We have enjoyed an exceptional day of almost 9 hours enjoying stunning scenery and beautiful landscapes. The weather obliged with a perfect day. We are dropped off near HARP and we walk back to our Consulate Hotel by Hilton.
Blue Lagoon
We had hoped to visit and swim in the beautiful Blue Lagoon which reopened late last week after the recent volcanic activity and the significant lava flows.
However, we were onl;y able to drive by the area. this was the result of some further complications in the reopening of this’d significant toursit attraction.

Black Sand Beach - Reykjavik .
We had hoped to see the famous Balck Sand Beach, but not to be.

Taken on Sunday but weather was appalling.