The Lions Game Drive - morning after the Kill- late afternoon exhausted as a pride !!
This morning Jeanette decided not to accompany us on the morning game drive even though we were planning to cross the road and enter the next 65,000 hectares of land which also contains the 2 lion prides.
The aim is to isolate the area where the pride consisting of 2 males, 3 lionesses and 9 cubs of which we have 4 aged 3 years, 3 aged 2 years and the 2 youngest at 12-15 months. They were last seen some 40 minutes drive from the main entry gate. We observe many animals including Oryx and other Buffaloes as well as all sorts of Springbok as well as other animals which would be attractive food offerings for the lions.
Our drive takes us up and down several tracks and roads without any hint of a presence then Jonnas our Tracker identifies the footprints of one male (no sign off the other brother), but whilst we attempt to follow there is no further indication.
Then Dylan and Jonnas hear the sound of a female lioness, and they assume she is attempting to draw the attention of the male.
We drive for another 35 minutes before they see further prints and then hear the faintest of noises. They drive off track through the acacia and savannah. Suddenly, Jonnas decided that we should progress further into a narrow track, then he becomes excited as he has identified one of the lionesses.
From here we travel in a circular manner and Jonnas finally identifies where the pride is located and we inch forward.
Clearly Dylan and Jonnas can sense and then identify the exact location. It is only then that identify that the pride is all together and they have a recent kill of an Oryx and they are beginning to tear it apart. The 3 lionesses all stand aside.
The two male brothers are the chief instigators of pulling the kill apart and the cubs of various ages are all involved.
We stay and watch for some 40 minutes, it is nature at its best. There is straight aggression and determination to gorge themselves. The cubes are making nuisances and this is clearly a part of their education. We all take photos and videos and are amazed to watch the process, the strength and determination. The palpable sense of pressure and aggression.
The lionesses who must have completed the kill play no part and are secondary in getting access to the carcass until the males are gorged and salted and trhe cubs also gradually drift off exhausted but sated and sleep.
We throughly enjoy and are fixated upon ther process of taking every bit of meat, cartilage and tendon and breaking bones. The males are consistently in their determination to access the head and shoulders and the thick muscles and tendons.
The attached photos are reflective of the process and time and how quickly it all happens.
After this we travel back identifying all sorts of other animals but it is somewhat anticlimactic.
We plan to return late afternoon, although Dylan says they will still be exhausted and sleeping but they will gradually awake and need water. We return to camp and explain to Jeanette who is disappointed but understanding she made the call not to go.
We arrange for brunch then have a rest. An amazing morning in every way.
The afternoon passes quickly with a sense of expectation. We depart at 5.00pm and Jeanette is with us. We drive something like 55 minutes and through ther major gates and fences, then we come to the general area, but the pride has moved.
We drive for another 10 minutes and then hear the noise and slight roar from the cubs who are first to wake. The whole pride of lions is asleep under a large acacia tree. The males are separated and one lioness( we assume the one separated earlier, is still chewing on and cracking bones.
The Cubs are slowly waking and wanting milk from the Lionesses. The males are in the land of Nod totally sated and dead to the world.
Gradually over 15-30 minutes the 3 females wake and manage the Cubs.
Our group takes great photos and videos.
It has been an exceptional day of chasing find and observing the lions.
The king of the animals is simply amazing to watch the strength of a 2,000kg Male and the aggression and determination at work.
Trust the photos and videos reflect well everything we have observed.
The females await the time when the msles have completed their feed. the Females do the hardwork of the kill.
Everyone is full and exhausted after a MASSIVE feed. Time for all of the Pride to rest for the Afternoon. We returned late afternoon to find them near the waterhole but sound asleep.