Our Web-page, our growth, family, Travel and Friends
Our website is a story of our home, family and travel, which over a longer period will include important family updates as we live our lives and as we watch and experience our ageing and the growth and development of our family. It truly reflects "Our wonderful World" and how fortunate we are to be positioned together to enjoy so many things cooperatively and to be engaged with wonderful family and friends.
Our family and the grand children give us great joy, they are part of this and we are part of their growth and development.
We maintain a diary of our travel experiences and attach photos to reflect the range of activities and events which occur.
It is very much us, a reflection of our joy together, the times and experiences which we share and enjoy together. It embodies the wonderful experiences, Jeanette and Ken, entertain and enjoy, a cultural calaedoscope engaging with various cultures as well as the tremendous range of friends who share with and add to our life and travel.