2nd December, 2017 Arrival In Miami Fl and Flight To Phoenix AZ.

We awake early after a smooth night, to take photos of our arrival into the Port of Miami.  

But following a delightful and relaxed breakfast our departure is delayed for some 50 minutes by the immigration officers.

Eventually we depart the ship, having said our farewells and then try to find Victor.

He calls and we respond.  He then meets us in his Lexus, immediately outside the departure/ exit point.

We are delighted to he drives us through Miami along Marine Drive and we talk.  We then stop for a drink etc in an area in Miami, (known as a Russian Area).  It is great to meet him and we talk as to our travels and future plans.

He then drives us to Fort Lauderdale Airport, where we check in and then fly to Phoenix.

We stay at Double tree near the Airport.   We had eaten on the flight and used the shuttle from the Airport.  We arrange for our friends to meet us for Breakfast the following morning.   We love our catch up with Shawn and Corey.  We then take the shuttle from the Hotel check in for our flight to Honolulu.

It has been a terrific couple of days