15 October 2018- The Peak Tramway and then flight from Hong Kong to Vancouver Canada
/Following yesterday’s quiet day where the heavy cloud cover and occasional shower impacts what we could do until late in the afternoon, we awoke to a morning of light clouds and patchy sunlight.
Breakfast was in the Executive Lounge and the views ate simply stunning on what is a much better morning.
Following breakfast we do some packing, print out our tickets for the subsequent flight From Vancouver to Portland Oregon, then arrange a later checkout time of 1.15pm, the time when our Blacklane driver will arrive to take us to the airport.
Ken decides with the better weather to go to the Peak, take photos and come down by the Peak Tramway. He is advised by the Concierge of the Lounge to catch the Peak bus from Admiralty to the top , enjoy the views and take photos before descending via the tram.
This proved wonderful advice. I will explain as I go further. The Peak bus departs over the road from the Pacific Place Shopping Centre and this is the commencement of the route. I had gained exact change HK$10, paid on entry, got a seat and enjoyed the next 30 minutes as the bus climbed the mountain stopping every 400 metres. We eventually reached the Peak terminus under one of the main buildings, then walked to the Peak, took photos, was amazed by the views although nowhere near as clear as on previous two visits to Hong Kong,
Then decided following 40 minutes of photos and the occasional pushing of people from the 2 cruise ships on excursions, that it was time to catch the Peak Tram down. This was relatively simple with less than 10 people in the queue, which was processed quickly.
The boarding notification was given , the doors opened, we got seats and 2 minutes later the half empty tram made its way down the mountain. It was interesting, with several stops and the angle of the tram vis a vis the buildings is quite dramatic.
Following an interesting descent, we reached the bottom terminus, where there was bedlam , with some 400-500 people queued at the bottom. The decision to go up by bus, saved at least an hour’s waiting time as the queue only clears about 70-80 people per ascent.
That was all spared, and I then caught a taxi back to the Conrad Hotel, but as I alighted from the cab, my mobile phone fell out of my trouser pocket, but was fortunately seen by the doorman. Could have been a dramatic loss. I tipped the doorman, he thanked me, I thanked him.
Then back to our suite to finish packing, which Jeanette had almost finalised. It has been a terrific stay in Hong Kong. The Conrad is just a wonderful hotel. Service is great, the suite excellent and the Executive Lounge worth it.
We are relaxing for an hour before check out and our driver arrives for the 35 minute trip to Hong Kong Airport. We have to correct a couple of issues with our tickets then to the Cathay Pacific Lounge.
We are seated in 18A and 19A on a new A350 airbus. We will depart Hong Kong at 16.15pm arriving in Vancouver at 13.00pmthen have several hours stopover before we join our Canada Air flight from Vancouver BC to Portland, OR.
The view from the Peak.
The Peak Tramway boarding for The descent
The amazing view from the lookout.
The photo below is of the reception area at the Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong
The view from the Executive Lounge at breakfast this morning.
An amazing view with sunshine breaking through the cloud cover.
Two cruise ships visiting Hong Kong, berthed in Kowloon.
An amazing city with some 8 million people, living in this very small space.
View over the Harbour from The Peak.