18th November 2018 Our first day in Honolulu and we celebrate Chris’ birthday.
/We awoke feeling refreshed and bright. Jeanette rose earlier but had enjoyed a good night’s sleep.
Also, Jeanette is much happier with the accommodation and has water views back toward the Marina. Yes we were tired after our travel, but the accommodation is really very good.
Jeanette , Peita and Chris went shopping to Ala Moana, shopping centre for the base provisions for the week. During this absence David and Ken had full responsibility for looking after the boys. We walked around the Lagoon and they did enjoy going in initially up to their bathers, but later they were swimming and enjoying themselves.
We then walked along the beach, which in places is quite rocky, the boys swam and played before going back to the lagoon, before deciding it was time for the bid pool with the wonderful water slides. Even at this hour the chairs were largely taken, but we found a pair, put our towels down, then we enjoyed swimming in the pool for the next 75 minutes. The boys had many rides upon the middle and large slides. They convinced David to go down the big slide several times and we have the proof on video.
We decided at 11.50am to dry off, exchange the towels for the blue cards, then make our way slowly to the Lagoon Tower and our rooms. Ken changed both boys from their swimmers into shorts and tees, then we watched some football (NFL) on television and about 12.15pm allowed the boys to play Ipad.
Jeanette, Peita and Chris arrived back from shopping at 12.35pm, after an extensive shopping process.
Jeanette and Peita then prepared salads, cut up the chicken and we enjoyed ham , tomato, cheese and lettuce on bread rolls for lunch.
Then we had a special birthday treat to celebrate the 2 birthdays 🎁 with cheesecake and cookies and cream cupcakes. We then sang Happy Birthday 🥳 enjoyed by all. A great family lunch.
It is 2.00pm and David has gone to enjoy a drink with Peita and Chris. We are relaxing but all is good. We are enjoying a celebratory birthday dinner tonight.
After lunch a time for everyone to relax.
Celebration of birthdays for Jeanette on 16th November and Chris today. Family meal at California Pizza Restaurant, Alo Moana, Honolulu.