12 February, 2016. Preparations for our Tauck India Tour and Phuket holiday on the way Home

We awoke this morning realising that we only have a couple of days to complete preparations and finalise updates prior to our departure for Singapore and after a brief stopover flying directly to Delhi.

Jeanette and I are usually well prepared but on this occasion there seems a plethora of issues and activities occurring in the lead up to our trip.

This morning we have the moving of GWUC Church lawns and some work in the garden there to clean up the ferns.

Concurrently, Ken is finalising the recruitment of an Office Assistant as well as completing contract negotiations with the Office Manager , who is becoming part time for 20.5 hours per week whilst commencing University theological studies.   At the same time we are negotiating the range of issues to modify the office hours to 10.00AM - 2.00PM, with the issues of Award requirements and the political dynamics within the organisation.  Following the mowing which takes a good 75-90 minutes and several bin loads of grass and soil etc, there is the task of blowvacing the surrounding areas.

Ken then collewtcs the new signs for the doorways and entrances to the Church.  the reprinted signs clearly depict the change of hours and is another means of communicating the changes.  Some will read , others will see the signs and note the changes but still expect the previous availability.  We are home by 10.45AM and Jeanette visits the Chemist for our medications prior to our departing.  Ken has a telephone conference in relation to the changes in our website and in particular the use of the new blog.