8 th 9th and 10th arrival and stay at HILTON Cape Town, South Africa.
/We enjoyed an excellent nights sleep notwithstanding that our body clock is out of whack. We had breakfast of eggs benedict in the Executive lounge and then Jeanette decided that she wasn't 100, and suggested that Ken do the planned hop on - hop off Cape Town red line bus. He caught the Hilton shuttle down tomVA waterfront from where he picked up the bus.
It is a cool and blustery late morning, but the clouds are clearing over Table Mountain and the red line bus takes approximately 2 hours to travel through the downtown area and then up the road tomTable Mountain where it stops for 10 minutes for photos bur many people also leave the bus here and ride the cable car to the top. Ken remains upon the bus, takes photos from the level where the cable car commences its climb and then back over the spectacular view to the city.
From here the bus then makes its May back toward the coast and eventually passes the 12 Apostles which are another protective range if small mountains which abut the coast behind Table Mountain.
We then travel through narrow streets back to the coast and the beautiful Camp Bay Area, where we are treated to sunning landscapes, beautiful surf and then there are penguin beaches and seal rock, which has desks and sea lions sunning themselves.
We then traverse the steep cliffs of some of the spectacular homes and apartments which have been constructed along the cliffs.
On our previous visit we had done this route but it was an unpleasant day, whereas this is just perfect with a light breeze. The bus meanders through beachside suburbs before we start to nadir way back to V and A Waterfront, but before thud we pass the magnificent Cape Town Stadium which was constructed girl the World Cup (football/ soccer) where the final was played.
Eventaully we arrive back at V and A Waterfront at about 1.45pm. Ken decides he will have some lunch at the small vendor markets and enjoys a vegetarian pastie and some Somosa which a yoghurt cone to finish. Then sets off on a long walk around the waterfront, stands and watches the African musicians and then times his run to watch the old swing bridge open to allow several yachts and water cruisers through.
He takes photos of the whole area and looks at several restaurants.
There is also the Cape Wheel and plenty of entertainers and buskers.
From here Ken returns to the V and A Hotel and enters the lounge area for a beer and watches the passing traffic.
The Hilton shuttle arrives on time at 4.15pm and returns to the hotel. Ken is tired from all of the walking.
Delighted to see Jeanette up and feeling much better. We had planned to go out to a restaurant, but Jeanette suggests we eat in at the Executive lounge and then just watch television.
It has been a most enjoyable day. In many respects our time here in Cape Town has been too short, but we were fortunate to have 5 days when we visited 3 years ago.
Table Mountain from V and A Waterfront
Table Mountain shrouded in cloud as we look out over the former "Slave township" which is now full of brightly coloured renovated small homes. It was initially located here to provide cheap labour as servants for the many mansions built in this locale of Cape Town the commercial shipping hub of South Africa.