Day 2 in Johannesburg and Lunch with Elly.

We did sleep in at little then showered and went to breakfast in the Executive lounge and enjoyed a delicious continental breakfast. Ken went back to Nelson Mandela Square to purchase reading glasses as his others broke last night. He returned by 10.30am and we’ve then needed to change for the planned meeting and lunch with Elly in a nearby Sandton Restaurant.

Elly picked us up at 1.30pm and we travelled some 15 minutes to a restaurant which is one of her favourites called xxxx.

We then sat enjoyed a meal, had a drink and by 3.30pm it was time to return to the Hilton. She dropped us off at 3.55pm after a lovely get together. We were so pleased to catch up and she looks so well. She is 80 years of age and is obviously coping with the loss of Berndt. We met them on a Costa Cruise lines (one of the Carnival brands) and have stayed with them and kept in touch. We were stunned to receive views last year of Berndt’s passing following a massive stroke after an aneurism. They had moved to Pretoria a couple of years before and Elly commented that it has been a success and she has made several good friends.

Ken went outside to take some photos cof nearby buildings.

Then it was time to pack and then have a drink and snacks in the Executive lounge.

But we also had to check in for our flight and undertaken a RAT test for covid, at about 4.05pm. We both tested negative aqnd have photos to show and confirm tomorrow.

We are also packing the Tauck bag which will be stored by Menzies Aviation at Johannesburg Airlines, until we come back having finalised our visit to Zimbabwe, then Botswana and lastly Namibia. then collected for our 2 nights back in Johannesburg before we fly to Abu Dhabi then on to Bangkok.

We’ve enjoyed a wonderful lunch with Elly. Great to catch up band renew our friendships.

The above Toyota vehicle was the shuttle from the Hilton to Nelson Mandela Square. The two young Zambian women have ridden it on 2 occasions with us.

The following photos are of our Suite 220 here at Hilton Sandton.

Well fitted out and very comfortable.

Pick up tomorrow is 7.30am with ba Blacklane vehicle to take us to Terminal B at OR Tambo International Airport fro the flight of about 2v. Hours to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.

Also are several photos of the nearby major office buildings which reflect the varied architecture of Sandton.

An enjoyable stay.